Switch It Blog
Being better at business leads to being better at life!
Keeping Great Customers
Great customers keep coming back. Furthermore, they like your product or service so much that they tell other people. (Who buy from you and, as they also become great customers, keep coming back.) Under these circumstances, who needs to advertise? Well, we all do actually, as not do so means we are taking those same customers for granted. However, ...
Getting Great People
Not long ago, I posted a blog making the point that business is (always) all about the people; employees and customers – in that order. (You cannot provide good service by unhappy employees.) It starts with recruitment, however most of us (being untrained in the process and not understanding of the consequences) treat recruitment as something...
Earning respect has huge rewards
In a previous blog, I made the statement that “whole communities would be improved if there was a greater appreciation and respect for small business”. Of course, what goes alongside this statement is the fact that this respect needs to be earned; business owners cannot expect respect from the wider community just because they run their own busines...
The new normal won’t look like the old….
(Business in a COVID world) Like it or not, things have probably changed forever, and it will impact it everyone in business – to a greater degree for some than others, but there will be an impact. Since the outbreak of this insidious virus and our governments’ responses to it, there’s been a mountain of information bombarded at business owners. It...
Buy John’s Book!
Growing a business is not unlike growing anything you might plant in your garden. John Matthew has the seeds to plant in your business that will ensure ongoing growth and a bountiful harvest.