Growing a business is not unlike growing anything you might plant in your garden.
Are you planning to grow your business but don’t know where to start?
Are you less than satisfied with how your business is performing and looking for some guidance?
Do you have the energy and desire to start or build a business and just need an expert to point you in the right direction?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, The 10 Seeds You Must Plant to Grow Your Business is the book for you.
Serial business owner John Matthew gives you the seeds to plant in your business that will ensure ongoing growth and a bountiful harvest.
“For those who do have the dream and courage to pursue their own business, this book provides a handy guide as to how to grow and succeed.”
Justin Langer
In these pages you will learn
- how to develop a crystal clear vision for your business, describing how it will be when operating at its best
- how to compare that vision to the reality of the current situation
- how to use that comparison to develop a strategy to overcome obstacles to growth
- how to deal with the “people issues” in the business
- how communications are so important, both internally and to the outside world that measuring and reviewing outcomes is vital to improving performance
- that showing gratitude to all the people involved – both those inside and those who touch the business from the outside – is vital to good business.