Who are we and why are we so good at helping businesses succeed?
At Switch, we believe that the purpose of a business is to enhance the lives of everyone it touches, which is why our Core Purpose is:
“To provide clients increased enjoyment from growing and managing their businesses, through improved employee and customer experiences.”
After all, it defies logic to expect customers to achieve improved experiences if employees are unhappy. Once the employee issue is addressed, then the door is open for a focus on ‘improved customer experiences’ through overcoming obstacles (pain relievers), and achieving a desired level of growth (gain creators) in the business.

Switch Directions is led by John Matthew & Kirsty Dellar, having been established in 2008 to work with business owners looking to grow their enterprises.

People often say that I don’t look busy. “You’ve never worked a day in your life”’ they joke. (Or are they?)
The fact is that I spend Wednesday morning with my art teacher, and I try to meet up with mates a couple of time a week for coffee. And lunch on Fridays when I can.
That doesn’t mean I’m not busy. I chair Artgold, the overarching local arts & culture organisation; I’m on a couple of advisory boards – all in addition to the time I spend with clients and producing workshops.
To add to the workload, I now serve as a Councillor for the City of Kalgoorlie Boulder.
And I fit in as much writing as I can – blog and newspaper articles, new coaching material, content for social media pages and content for my next book, which is very much a work-in-progress.
But I’ve developed my week to look like I want it to. Careful scheduling and focus.
That’s my aim for every client I work with – to have them spending time doing things that makes them happy.

My “other” business, Salty’s Surf’n’Skate (that’s right a surf shop 600km from the coast) opens its doors nearly 50 hours a week and is staffed by my wonderful employees. And, for good measure, it has an online shop that requires full time attention.
My husband and I travel with the kids when we can, although they’re both still at school, and I need to do buying trips at least four times a year.
I have a busy social life and am very involved in sporting and community groups. My friends just can’t work out how I fit it all in.
It’s all about checklists, systems and clarity for my people. I can leave them to run the shop without my input for weeks on end and it’s my aim to teach this life to other business owners.